Nong Khai
Der Mekong bei Sonnenuntergang
Laos and sometime flows in the sea at Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam.
In Loei we stayed in the Sugar Guest House, which I can recomend very much. In the discotheque Robot 2029 the dancefloor was coverd with tabels like allways in Thailand and on a huge stage there was a band playing. We went home early, since the night in the national park had left some traces (hello noisy nabours).
Nachdem Didi und ich eine Nacht im Zelt im Nationalpark verbracht haben, sind wir heute von Phu Kradung nach Loei gefahrne (80.2km in 3h17min 24.4km/h im Schnitt).
Am Abend vor unserem Besuch im Nationalpark waren wir noch in einem kleinen Restaurant in Phu Kradung und machten beim Karaoke mit, ach, ich liebe es. Auch Didi legte sich voll ins Zeug und wir sangen uns in die Herzen der Einheimischen. Die Komunikation ist immer schwierig, wir koennen wenig Thai, die Einheimischen wenig Englisch. Aber es war eine so freundliche und herzliche Atmosphaere, da winde ich den Thais gleich mal ein grosses Kraenzchen.
Beim Karaoke bin ich voll in meinem Element
Von Petchabun nach Phu Kradung sind es ca. 200km, die sind wir aber nicht alle gefahren, die Haelfte haben wir mit dem Bus gemacht. Das klappte super, Velo unten ins Gepaeckfach geschoben, los gings.
Phra Prang Sam Yod
am naechsten Tag konnte ich dann doch noch ein Foto in Ayutthaya machen (leider ohne Abendstimmung)
Mein Gastgeber in Bangkok, Callum (rechts)
The first day cycling in Thailand was exciting. It had rained a lot and many areas are flooded at the time. The people we saw seem to be used to this and there was no hecticness. We had to cycle quiet a few time through kneedeep water and my Ortlieb-bags have stood the test.
In Ayutthaia we find a nice place to stay at Tony's place. Just before sunset we visited a few temples. The evening setting was great the red klinkers of the Chedis were glowing in the light. Ufortenately I had to delete all my pictures I took today since my memorycard got infected by a virus. Since I have a cold I don't blame my memorycard for taking a downtime.
The second picture is from the parynight, we went to a restaurant called woodstock and celebrated the 25 birthday of Victor, a friend of Callums.
Gestern war ich noch mit Callum und Matias (der aus Chile kommt und auch zu Gast bei Callum ist) auf der Partystrasse von Bangkok, RCA, Royal City Avenue. Dort gabs einen Club nach dem anderen und wir hatte jede Menge Spass.
Ich bin zur Zeit in Bangkok und werde erst in einigen Tagen weiterfahren. Ich konnte mittlerweile die Frage klaeren, welche Grenzuebergaene zwischen Laos und Vietnam geoeffnet sind. Auf der Karte sieht man meine geplante Route: Bangkok - Vientiane - Hanoi - Hue - Ho Chi Minh City - Phnom Penh - Bangkok
English version below in blue
kurz vor dem Tauchgang
Das great barrier reef vor Cairns
Unser Zuhause der letzten drei Tage
English version below in blue
Gondelbahn die nach Kuranda faehrt, ueber den Regenwald, andere fahren mit dem Velo...
Zurück in Cairns war ich heute noch im Kino. An Inconvenient Truth. Ich möchte Euch diesen Film empfehlen, er hat mir gefallen und mich stark beeindruckt. Weitere Infos findet ihr auf:
Since my worries for my bike have faded away I am doing daytrips from Cairns now (the ritzel at the back had to be turned and I can cycle another 5000km with it before it has to be repalced). The first brought me to some waterfals called crystal cascades, beautiful and only 17km from Cairns. At a quiet place I took a bath an red lying on a warm stone.
My second trip brought me to Kuranda. 31km, 15 of them uphill. In this place, crowded with tourists i visited the butterfly sanctuary and the rainforest. It lived fully up to his name and I got very wet. But it was beautiful, and I enjoyed the ride down again.
Back in Cairns I went to the movies tonight and saw this movie: An Inconvenient Truth.
I recomend it very much, its interesting and made a strong impression on me. For more information go to:
Simon with our Cheese Fondue
Heute war ich dann mit Simon auf Fitzroy island. Wir machten erst einen langen Spatziergang quer über die Insel und gingen dann am Nachmittag noch ein bisschen schnorcheln. Am Strand (der hier nur aus toten Korallen besteht) spielten wir dann noch Chicago, für alle die sich interessieren, hier sind die Regeln:
Fitzroy Island
Yesterday I celebrated my birthday together with Simon in a swiss restaurand, we ate cheese fondue and drank white wine.
Today I went with Simon to the Fitzroy Island. First we did a long hike across the island and in the afternoon we went snorkling. At the beach (which consists here only of dead corall) we played some Chicago, if you are interested here are the rules (sorry only in german):
Heute hab ich ein tolles Geburtstagsgeschenk bekommen: ich hatte eine spannende Begegnung mit einem anderen Veloreisenden, Tillmann Waldthaler, schaut Euch mal seine Webseite an.
Today I recived a big birthday gift: I had an exciting encounter with an other cycling worldtraveler, Tilmann Waldthaler, take a look at his webseite.
Gestern bin ich von meinem Segeltrip zurückgekommen und es war neben Fraser Island etwas vom Besten das ich bis jetzt in Australien gemacht habe.
Derwent Hunter
at high speed
Mehr Fotos vom Segeltrip auf:
Yesterday I returned from my sailingtrip and besides Fraser Island, it was one of the best things I've done in Australia so far.
But first a short retrospection on how I came to Airlie Beach. I drove with a heavy heart from Agnes Water (who is looking for relaxation and surfing in the same place, without mass tourism, thats the place) to Miriam Vale. A nice stretch, some easy 50km, not much traffic, but slowly it gets realy hot here. In the little village with 500 inhabitants I drink a beer und start a conversation with two passerbies who were looking at my bicycle.
They turned out to be the general importers for Rohloff hubs ( The two invite my over to there home und for the first time I see, how a Rohloff hub looks from the inside. These hubs, of which I have one on my bike, are a internal gearshifting system, in my case with 14 gears. It was a realy nice aquaintance, thank you Maria for your hospitality.
After this my train arrived and to my surprise I could even take a shower. Another surprise was, that I heard a strange sound coming from my bicycle when I wanted to start cycling in Proserpine. Since I coundnt fix it, I went to the lokal bike mechanik. He wansnt in his reapair shop but just came home from a short ride with his roadbike. He doesnt have a repair shop but repairs the bicycles in front of his house. We put my bike on a rack and change the chain. Now the noise is gone, but the chain is jumping when I put pressure on it. No solution is in sight so I start to cycle to Airlie Beach with a jumping chain.
I passed endless sugarcane plantations and after 25km I am at my goal. In the backpacker Magnum I get a dormroom and the next thing I do is checking in for my boattrip.
More pictures of my boattrip: